Identify and get the lyrics to any song that’s playing around you with one tap.Easily learn new languages by displaying the translation of the lyrics, in time with the music.Enjoy song lyrics with music from Spotify, Youtube, Pandora, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and all your other favorite streaming services.

Now, Musix match is a team that includes over 40 international and talented individuals working on a product reaching millions of music lovers. Musix match mission is to change the way people experience music and lyrics. Users can connect Musixmatch for Desktop with Spotify, Apple Music, and dozens of other music services to enjoy lyrics synchronized to the music. The final version of the lyrics is edited and validated by a team of international curators. Musixmatch’s lyrics catalog is created, synched, and translated by millions of contributors from the Musixmatch community. Musixmatch is the world’s largest lyrics platform - where you can search, enjoy, and share lyrics from any track, anywhere in the world.